Literatura e(m) hipertexto


  • Sérgio Luiz Prado Bellei


Hypertext, Literature, Internet


The growing hegemony of the mode of ditigal production of literary texts to be made available in the internet calls for critical discussion on the possible changes that take place when literary texts are translated in hypertextual format. This essay is devoted to a critical study of the problem in the context of the double meaning of technology as, on the one hand, a tool for the production of objects and, on the other, as an environment in which not only objects but also subjectivities are molded and changed in terms of habits and behavior. If the concept of technology as an environment capable of redefining subjectivities is taken seriously, then it is possible that literature texts translated or produced in hypertextual format will be affect by profound changes when compared to literary production in print.


How to Cite

Bellei, S. L. P. (2010). Literatura e(m) hipertexto. Letras De Hoje, 45(2). Retrieved from



Hypertext, Literature, Education