<i>Doze noturnos de Holanda</i>: noite nefasta ou benfazeja noite?


  • Silvana Augusta Barbosa Carrijo


Cecília Meireles, Imaginário, Regime noturno da imagem


Based on the theoretical support of Gilbert Durand (2002), his imaginary theory, this study aimed to realize a hermeneutical analysis of the book Doze noturnos de Holanda (1987), by Cecília Meireles. This was possible by verifying how the writer deals with the images and symbols that express an euphemistic attitude and an acceptance of Tânatos horrendous’ face, based on the typical structures of the nocturnal regime of imaginative, in its mystical and syntactical facet.


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How to Cite

Carrijo, S. A. B. (2010). <i>Doze noturnos de Holanda</i>: noite nefasta ou benfazeja noite?. Letras De Hoje, 44(4). Retrieved from https://revistaseletronicas.pucrs.br/fale/article/view/6546



Theories and Imaginary Readings