O imaginário da menina e a construção da feminilidade


  • Maria Thereza de Queiroz Guimarães Strôngoli


Imaginário, Identidade feminina, Narrativa


This study discusses the dynamic and the organization of macroimagens formed by the representative symbols of the Evil (the many kinds of death and the fear of time passage), as well as the redistribution of the group of images into three schemes: based on Gilbert Durand commentaries about the relevance of reorganize Durand’s structures of the imaginary. The way those schemes work is exemplified by the analyses of an eight years old girl narrative, which its main point is to define the female identity. The study of her imaginary’s trajectory reveals the perception of the negativity usually related with the female image and describes her mobilization in order to recognize herself as a woman.


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How to Cite

Strôngoli, M. T. de Q. G. (2010). O imaginário da menina e a construção da feminilidade. Letras De Hoje, 44(4). Retrieved from https://revistaseletronicas.pucrs.br/fale/article/view/6543



Theories and Imaginary Readings