Poe e a contemporaneidade: um coração sempre delator


  • Maria Tereza Amodeo


Edgar Alan Poe, Literatura, Cinema


The work of Poe has been widely used by moviemakers since the beginning of the new art. The interface between literature and film is considered a controversial matter in contemporary culture, especially in relation to Poe’s work. The analysis of the literary elements of the short story “The tell-tale heart” guides the study of the name sake film adaptation of 1941 by Jules Dassin and the animation made by UPA (United Productions of America) in 1953. Besides the possibility of understanding the new ways of reading literature nowadays, this investigation shows the echoes of Poe’s work in the course of time.


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How to Cite

Amodeo, M. T. (2009). Poe e a contemporaneidade: um coração sempre delator. Letras De Hoje, 44(2). Retrieved from https://revistaseletronicas.pucrs.br/fale/article/view/6025



Poe & The Others - The work of Edgar Allan Poe in literature and cinema