Apropriação sociocognitiva da escrita: uma discussão sobre a dimensão intrassubjetiva da linguagem
língua escrita, relações intersubjetivas e intrassubjetivas, processamento.Abstract
This study centers its attention on the socio-cognitive appropriation of writing on the basis of vigotskian intersubjectivity concepts, proposing a ressignificance of the concept of intrasubjectivity delineated by this russian theoretician. This ressignificance proposal relies on the connectionism, in search of an approximation of the neurosciences, due to the comprehension that Vigotski, at the beginning of the 20th century, when dealing with the intrasubjective universe, brought important elements that, somehow, can evoke the neural processing of learning subjacent to the connectionism. Under this theoretical framing, the research seeked to answer the following question: What relations is it possible to infer between the configuration of the intersubjective relations kept by the child and the socio-cognitive appropriation of the written language in relation to the formal configuration and to its social uses? The study has been developed in a poor community, in the periphery of Florianópolis/SC/BR, in 2008. The characteristics of the intersubjective universe of the child and its conceptions about the written language have been analyzed. The categories of analysis have contemplated familiar and schooling aspects in reference to the uses of writing and cognitive abilities of the children in order to deal with writing as an instrument of intersubjective relationship. The theoretical rationale for this work relies on studies of Vigotski on development and learning, language and thought and concept formation, as well as on foundations of the cognitive neurosciences and the connectionism.Downloads
How to Cite
Cerutti-Rizzatti, M. E. (2009). Apropriação sociocognitiva da escrita: uma discussão sobre a dimensão intrassubjetiva da linguagem. Letras De Hoje, 44(3). Retrieved from https://revistaseletronicas.pucrs.br/fale/article/view/5762
Topic 2 - Language, cognition and interfaces: speech, reading and writing