The scientific racism in Brazil
Discriminatory discourses in the genesis of Law and Medicine Schools and the use of the title of doctor in the professions
breend, scientific racism, miscegenationAbstract
This essay thematizes Brazilian scientific racism and the paths chosen here aim to highlight the discriminatory discourses in the genesis of the Schools of Law and Medicine and their appropriation of the title of doctor in these professions. With a Bourdieusian theoretical approach, Reflective Sociology is used to analyze the discourses inherent to the constitution of Brazilian science from its racist history of eugenics and considerations about miscegenation and the myth of racial democracy. In this sense, there is a reflection on the moments of tension in Brazilian ethnic-racial relations, especially when they are supported by biological speeches. In this way, there was a connection with the past, mainly in the post-abolitionist period and the influences of Social Darwinism in the scientific and formative work of the analyzed schoolsin this study. Although scientific racism has not exclusively influenced the Schools of Law and Medicine in Brazil, the plot focusing on these two areas of knowledge and professions leads the reader to reflect on a particular context to the most general properties, constantly interrogating the object and thus establishing a connection with the use of Reflexive Sociology. Therefore, the text is divided into three sections in addition to the introduction and conclusion, namely: at first, the myth of racial democracy is presented and how it was constituted in the country, in the sequence, it is discussed how miscegenation took place and what the implications were. of scientific racism. Finally, in the last sections of the article, the fractures of discriminatory discourses in the formative genesis of both courses are evidenced. As for the results, the ways in which science is thought and hierarchical stand out, disregarding the knowledge and knowledge of a multicultural, pluriracial and non-white society.
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