The memory of the dictatorship during the Brazilian re-democratization period
from underground archives to digital media
militarist discourse in Brazil, underground media archives, digital media discourseAbstract
In this study, we propose an analysis of the discourse of militarism, focusing on the networks of memories in operation in the period of the reestablishment of Brazilian democracy after the military regime, precisely in 1999. Specifically, our goal is to understand how the military dictatorship and democracy are discursivized in the period of re-democratization by the journalistic media, and what effects of meaning are produced today, in view of the resumption of this discourse with its updating/circulation in the digital media of the internet of our time. The work is theoretically based on Discourse Analysis of Pecheuxtian filiation. The corpus is composed of excerpts from a video with an interview of the then federal deputy Jair Bolsonaro, granted to the program Câmera Aberta, in 1999, on TV Band in Rio de Janeiro; from the video, which was republished in 2017 on YouTube, where it currently circulates, we extracted two discursive sequences for this analysis. The results point out that, even under the effects of the re-democratization discourse, in strong operation in that historical moment of post-dictatorship, the discursive memory of militarism continued to operate in the underground layers of the archives of the journalistic media of the time. However, with the advancement of digital technologies, these discourses were/are updated in digital media and social networks, with a new strength and other clashes and discursive effects, in view of the new conditions of production and circulation of discourses. It is also inferred, through the gestures of interpretation performed in this study, that by the effect of circulation, this discourse from the underground archives, now operating in digital media, can produce harmful effects that threaten the current Brazilian democracy.
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