The bakhtinian notions of language and utterance
Bakhtin Circle, Body, LanguageAbstract
In this article, the propose is to reflect about the relation between utternace and language presented in Bakhtin Circle’s philosophical thinking. The objectives are: a) to comprehend how the group of Russian philosophers elaborate and delimitate their conception of language and utterance; and b) to conceive an ontology able to reflect about human existence. The method dialect-dialogic developed by the Circle sustain the discussion. The study demonstrates that the results of a conceptual construction of language is realized dialogically, in frontier of subjects, mainly of Human Sciences (but not only) – such as music, literature, linguistic, plastic arts, biology, psychology, sociology, among others. These, in turn, are unified around the problem of language, materialized in the enunciative act, as mode of effectuation of the human, in their ethic and aesthetic finishing in the world. The relevance of this reflection turns to the pertinence of the Bakhtinian philosophy of language as contribution to analysis of visual, vocal/sound and/or syncretic utterances, besides and with the verbal materiality, on which the Circle’s thinkers focused in a privileged way.
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