Social Aspects of the Novel of Thirty of North East
Capitães da Areia
historiography, criticism, Novel of Thirty, Capitães da Areia, NortheastAbstract
The text that follows is part of a postdoctoral research entitled “The Place of the Novel of Thirty of North East in Brazilian Historiography”. The main objective of this research was to problematize inaccurate denominations and classifications of works from the Northeast published in the 1930s and 1940s. The investigation is part of the current trend of seeking to specify sets of works and styles sheltered under coordinates, such as those of Naturalism and Regionalism. To support the discussion, the analysis of the novel was fundamental, in dialogue with the context of production of literary works and the cultural dynamics in Brazil, based on the idea of a novel from 30 of North East enshrined in historiography and literary cristicism.
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