The art transfigurations in the sustainable development goals 2030 agenda

Some points on the contributions of the humanities and the arts




Sustainable, Art, Resilience


On September 25th 2015, all United Nations member states unanimously approved the 2030 Agenda about the Sustainable Development of the world, which is understood as an opportunity for societies to embark in a new path of bettering the communities life, with the motto: Leave no one behind. This work shows the contributions that the Humanities and the Arts make to the agenda, from the praxis that each discipline conforms on the subject of sustainable development, ensuring the health of Latin American democracies. Our journey interacts with the critical and theoretical proposals of Graciela Speranza and Martha Nussbaum and intends on showing certain marks of said contributions that many Universities of the world are making in regards to SDGs. We will also, starting from the five tools presented by the UN, articulate the resilience in relation to the literary critic (Roland Barthes), Land art (Bernabé) and the literature (Horacio Quiroga) to draft a critical diagnosis and analysis of the actions of the Humanities and the Arts in the Sustainable Development of the world.


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Author Biography

Laura Utrera, Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Rosario, SF, Argentina

Doctora en Letras, primera graduada de la carrera de posgrado Magíster en Literatura Argentina por la Universidad Nacional de Rosario (UNR) y CONICET; Profesora y Licenciada en Letras. Especialista en Literatura e, interdisciplinariamente, en Cine mudo y primeras manifestaciones de Cine sonoro. Integro Proyectos de investigación, dirijo maestrandos y doctorandos e integro jurados académicos. Soy miembro fundador de la Asociación de estudios del cine y audiovisual en argentina (AsAECA). Soy profesora adjunta en la asignatura de Análisis del texto de la Carrera de Letras de la Facultad de Humanidades y Artes (FHumyAr) y dicto seminarios y conferencias en universidad argentinas y extranjeras. Integro el comité asesor de la colección Pequeña Galería del Escritor Hispanoamericano. Fui Secretaria de Relaciones Internacionales de la Facultad de Humanidades y artes (UNR).


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How to Cite

Utrera, L. . (2020). The art transfigurations in the sustainable development goals 2030 agenda: Some points on the contributions of the humanities and the arts. Letras De Hoje, 55(3), e38788.



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