Technology and literature: the transmedia storytelling
Transmedia storytelling. Digital media. Technology and literature. Technological culture. Technological circumnavigation.Abstract
The West was produced by the literary regime. In our times, however, the literary regime has lost centrality. These days, culture has a technological predominance, and through this process of mediation, contemporary life is increasingly expressed. In fact, the new territories, landscapes, atmospheres and technological environments led human communities to circumnavigate sites, portals, blogs, videogames, applications, digital repositories, virtual museums, and also virtual realities deployed in immersive environments. This process has resulted in the multiplication of contents and convergence of formats, computer
platforms and languages. The movement of culture technological apparatus has expanded the human experience. We can talk in these circumstances, of a galaxy of new flows, resonances, rhythms, cadences, sounds, durations, vibrations, which allow human communities to be open to setting new future possibilities. The expansion of human experience has also opened the possibility of new narratives about the human. These narratives are called transmedia storytelling, because they rely on digital media convergence. This study examines transmedia storytelling, which unfold across multiple platforms. Let’s try to understand how these narratives constitute a creative and literary writing, that means, a writing that does not just respond to management and political communication needs nor runs out in repetition, adaptation and propagation of the same story.
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