Intermediality in Brazilian contemporary literature
Intermediality. Metafiction. Self-fiction. Brazilian Contemporary LiteratureAbstract
The issue about the influence of practices in hypermedia in the literature has been observed from several fields, since the learning of reading to hyper-reading, and the question of genres as well, for example, the return of journalistic narratives and book-reportage. In this paper I bring only a small part of an extensive research that has been done in the last four years, in which the current phase is analyzing contemporary Brazilian literature to identify tendencies, aesthetic and formal issues that could demarcate some of our time’s mentality, especially the one that concerns the way in which the media converge today, in a reciprocal relationship with the practices of reading. From this purpose, we analyze two novels of the corpus of the research from the studies of Intermidiality, understanding the fictional strategies of autofiction and metafiction as intermedial phenomena.
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