Reading and writing in higher education: reconstructing pathways to “academic literacies”
Reading. Writing. Higher education. Academic literacies.Abstract
This study aims to identify and characterize the reading and writing practices of Social Communication students, as well as to investigate the role played by such practices to foster their professional development. Participants were twenty-six students enrolled in a creative writing course (3rd year). Portfolios were chosen as tools for collecting data. This study employed a qualitative single case study research approach. The results suggest that i) most students would prefer to read in print; ii) their reader profile is multifaceted, with emphasis on the categories of “frequent reader” and “highly motivated reader”; iii) their writing practices are diversified, with “personal texts” and “news” standing out; iv) they value creative writing to their future profession. We conclude that such reading and writing practices require increased attention in academic contexts, in order to encourage their diversity, fostering students’ future professional performance.
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