The reading: from microprocesses to macroprocesses, a complementary relation
Reading. Cognitive processes of reading. Decoding. Reading Comprehension.Abstract
In view of the unsatisfactory results pointed out by Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA 2015) regarding the development of reading of Brazilian students, this article is interested in analyzing the complementary relationship between micro and macroprocesses and their importance in the development of competent reading. To this end, it is based on the findings of cognitive psychology to retake and discuss theoretically the cognitive aspects involved in the processing of reading, in order to understand the interrelationship of the processes of decoding and reading comprehension and their role for the development of a competent reading. Decoding and understanding are perceived here as cognitive processes that are related in the course of reading and that, through such a relationship, can collaborate in the formation of proficient readers, who understand what they read and who make social use of their reading.
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