Discursive Ethos and Enunciative Performance: self-construction of commentators in scientific popularization texts from the magazine Superinteressante online
Discursive ethos. Enunciative performances. Scenography. Online comment. Science popularization.Abstract
This paper studies texts from the genre online comment, produced by readers of scientific popularization texts from the magazine Superinteressante website. The aim is to verify, in this webjournalism genre, how the commentator-readers build their discursive ethos in the interaction with their interlocutors. In the analysis, we investigate, by means of marks of the commentators’ enunciative performances, the image of themselves they provide in order to validate their speech. The theoretical basis of this study is composed of the categories of Enunciative Organization Modes, proposed by Charaudeau (2008), and Mainguenau’s (2010) and Amossy’s (2005) concepts of discursive ethos. The results show that the attention to the enunciative behavior of the reader-commentators leads us to the construction of the projected discursive ethos. They are given roles that authorize them to judge, to opine, to question, all backed by a guarantor, built in the scenography, who gives legitimacy to their criticism.
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