“Only Zé Lador remembers them”: etos and new ways to make news
Etos. Discourse analysis. Popular journalism. WhatsApp.Abstract
The new technologies, in particular, social networks have been playing a fundamental role in spreading news in interactive and virtual environments. Alongside this process, it can also be observed a growing concern of printed papers to take part in this space and imprint an interactive tone on their pieces of news. Some newspapers have been using the new platforms to broadcast their content and, therefore, soar their audience rankings beyond the printed papers. It is exactly this second movement that calls our attention to the analysis in the present article. In this sense, we aim at investigating the production of etos that the newspaper Extra (2015) builds by means of interaction between their readers and newspaper for the creation of news in the section “Services”. This section receives news from readers by the app “WhatsApp”, stating that the interaction between them is facilitated by this digital support. Our analysis was done with the use of the concept of etos in the studies of Maingueneau (1997, 2005, 2008, 2010, 2013). The corpus consists of three pieces of news published in 2015 and they showed that, at first, the newspaper tries to convey an etos of interaction and democratic space to the social cristicism sent by the readers due to the openness to interaction. However, behind these denunciations, the vehicle claims for itself, through its super-hero, a problem-solver role of public affairs, emptying, in this way, the citizens’ potential of organization to claim for their own demands.
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