Body and fashion with glam: images about adolescence
ethos, adolescence, genre, Tudo de Blog.Abstract
This work, wich is the resulto f a master’s dissertation, seeks to analyze – articulated with the social construction of the female subject, the self images of the teenage girls who write for a section of Capricho Magazine, namely: Tudo de Blog. Here I analyze the construction of these images observing, above all, the representations and stereotypes that the act of taking the floor and talking about themselves recover in the interdiscourse. This gesture is justified by the attempt to understand the crystallizations wich are constrcted around the female image and wich underlie the practices of the adolescence in the print media. The work of these reflections is based on the interest to investigate the theoretical-analytical framework proposed by Maingueneau (1997, 2005, 2008), Amossy (2005 and 2010), Charaudeau (2008) regarding the discursive ethos and its construction in the social practices about the feminine by means of the mediatic discourse, then, observing the image relation between oneself/feminine.
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