Individual diction and public intervention in “Three positive sonnets” by Joaquim Cardozo




Joaquim Cardozo, Brazilian Modern Poetry, Sonnet, Adjective, Style


Due to inaccurate place that Joaquim Cardozo occupies in Brazilian literary
historiography, the appreciation of his work here will be limited to the range of possible individual expression, cut in three sonnets qualified by the same adjective: "positive". With that, the positivity of textual qualification should be converted into speculation about the sense circumstantially built in that composition, which is tripartite and unfolds in the reflection on the vocabulary of the author, notably by the use of the adjective. Thus, the three sonnets will be considered as instruments of access to the style of the author through the lexicon used. The sonnet would be the upper room through which materializes a singular expressivity, more easily identifiable by the limits of fixed form, but that should signal something of his work as a whole, where rhythm, metric, the vocabulary and the phrasing of his verses gain other outlines, already suffering interference from the other conditions. Obviously the use of fixed form by Cardozo destabilizes the sense of own sonnet, creasing on his way in the tradition.


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Author Biography

Everton Barbosa Correia, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro

Professor Adjunto de Literatura Brasisleira no Instituto de Letras da UERJ


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Diário Oficial do Estado de Pernambuco. Recife: DOE, 28 dez. 1939.

FREYRE, Gilberto (Org.). Livro do Nordeste. Recife: Arquivo Público Estadual, 1979.

GRÜNEWALD, José Lino (Org.). Grandes sonetos da nossa língua. Rio de Janeiro: Nova Fronteira, 1987.

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How to Cite

Correia, E. B. (2018). Individual diction and public intervention in “Three positive sonnets” by Joaquim Cardozo. Letras De Hoje, 53(2), 223–231.



Theory and Practice of Biography