For a theory of figuration. Character overlays or a moving concept




Narrative studies, Character, Figuration, Afterlife


In the article, “Towards a theory of figuration. The afterlife of literary characters or figuration as a dynamic concept”, the analysis departs from the assumption that the concept of the literary character has recently been reengaged in narrative studies. This approach values in particular the constructive processes that consider characters the semantic core of the narrative and that constitute a category with great potential for development in contexts that are formally non-literary. The character is not a static part of the narrative: in different cultural moments,
characters can be understood as potentially dynamic entities. From this dynamism, observed in certain novels of the nineteenth century, the narratives of the digital era re-embraced and adapted the literary character, drawing from specific tools related to the electronic medium. It is in this sense that the character can be considered a concept in motion.


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How to Cite

Reis, C. (2017). For a theory of figuration. Character overlays or a moving concept. Letras De Hoje, 52(2), 129–136.