Cognitive neuroscience in the classroom: teaching strategies in Spanish Language
Cognitive Neuroscience, Reading, Spanish languageAbstract
In this article, we present an analysis of the activities of a didactic material developed for teaching reading in Spanish (PINHO, 2015b), based on concepts of Cognitive Neuroscience (COSENZA; GUERRA, 2011) and reading teaching and learning (LEFFA, 1996; SCHLATTER, 2009). The objective of this paper is to analyze some activities and strategies of teaching Spanish Language used in classes applied by the researcher in the mentioned research and to observe how they contribute with the teaching and learning of reading in Spanish language. The analysis of the activities was based on the neuroscientific concepts of cognitive functions (perception, memory, executive functions and expressive functions) and on studies about the development of reading ability. It was possible to verify that the activities of reading comprehension analyzed seek to develop cognitive functions during the process of learning to read in Spanish, besides to stimulating the use of reading strategies.
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