The autobiographical writer: the female’s letter and word in Florbela Espanca


  • Michelle Vasconcelos Oliveira do Nascimento Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte


Autobiographical writing, Memory, Female representation, Florbela Espanca



Before women have access to writing, and to autobiographical writing, the female subject was only known by the male voice, in other words, by the male’s imaginary and stereotypes. The women silence breaking allowed to unveil this world, and also allowed that the women could construct their own identity (s), what was before forged by Western patriarchal model and often misogynistic. Based on the viewpoint that the diaries and letters, as autobiographical writings, are pieces that date back to a historical time, to the time of writing, not just containing dates or vestiges of the daily writer, but the context in which he lived, this work has the objective to analyze how Florbela Espanca (1894-1930), from the diverse self-representation and female identities and self-analysis reflections, shows the intimate and social female universe in her time, in her diary and letters of the last year.


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How to Cite

do Nascimento, M. V. O. (2013). The autobiographical writer: the female’s letter and word in Florbela Espanca. Letras De Hoje, 48(4), 493–500. Retrieved from



Autobiografia e fronteiras de leitura