Letters from Juan Carlos Onetti to Julio Payró


  • Karina de Castilhos Lucena Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul




Juan Carlos Onetti, Letters, Julio Payró.


This article analyses the letters sent by Uruguayan writer Juan Carlos Onetti (1909-1994) to Argentine art critic Julio Payró (1899-1971) in the period of 1937-1955. The analysis of such documents contradict a generalizing facet present in the author’s critical fortune, that describes him as a cold and lonely man. On the texts hereby studied, Onetti demonstrates his affection and admiration for Payró. Likewise, the letters offer data which contest the image of an uncommitted Onetti, since he demonstrates preoccupation with the course of politics in his country. The mail also shows insecurity and vanity which the public figure demanded to maintain hidden. In this sense, this work suggests that investigations coming from writers’ personal documents may strongly amplify the interpretation of his work and often oppose to judgements previously made by the critics who did not have access to this material.


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Author Biography

Karina de Castilhos Lucena, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul



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How to Cite

Lucena, K. de C. (2014). Letters from Juan Carlos Onetti to Julio Payró. Letras De Hoje, 49(2), 217–223. https://doi.org/10.15448/1984-7726.2014.2.15347