Falling diphthongs pathways in Brazilian Portuguese
Phonology, Diphthong, Vowel reduction, Vowel deletion, Dynamic models.Abstract
This paper analyses some synchronic pathways associated with rising diphthongs in Brazilian Portuguese (BP) from Belo Horizonte. These pathways reflect dynamic and gradual instances of articulatory parameters involved in the production of rising diphthongs as found in words like cárie ‘tooth decay’ e árduo ‘arduous’. The theoretical perspective adopted incorporates the principles of Multirepresentational models, Dynamical models as well as theoretical perspectives that analyze linguistic phenomena within a Complex Adaptive Systems paradigm. We suggest that the various pathways which were analyzed for rising diphthongs, namely hiatus, diphthong, monophthong, cancellation vowel, lead to the emergence of a new phonological pattern in BP: the occurrence of several consonants in word-final position. We argue that the emergence of a new phonological pattern – various final consonants in the end of words – reflects the current stage of self-organization in the BP phonological.Downloads
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