Poetry, language and silence


  • Ana Maria Lisboa de Mello PUCRS


Language, Poetry, Silence, Modernity, Death


Maurice Blanchot, writer and critic, has devoted numerous pages of literary criticism to considerations on the poetic language and silence, engaging in dialogues with the writings of various poets and extracting from them modulations of the modern lyric. This paper aims to revisit part of these reflections, as well as Blanchot’s contribution to the poetry of modernity, especially the 20th century’s, a period marked by two world wars and by widespread violence.


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How to Cite

de Mello, A. M. L. (2013). Poetry, language and silence. Letras De Hoje, 48(2), 237–243. Retrieved from https://revistaseletronicas.pucrs.br/fale/article/view/13856



Ten years without Maurice Blanchot