Central vowels of Modern European Portuguese: proposing an element phonology-based analysis


  • João Veloso Universidade do Porto


Central vowels, Element phonology, Unmarked vowel, Vowel openness


This paper aims at showing that a description of the vowel system of Modern European Portuguese based on Element Phonology and assuming {I A U} as the elementary particles of vowels offers a plausible, elegant explanation for several aspects of the phonological organization of the vowel system of this language. Namely, it explains the distinction that opposes four openness degrees in stressed position, as well as the special behaviour of central vowels. These are described as vowels without tonality (i.e., {I}- and {U}-less vowels), distinguished on the basis of gradual differences of {A}-weight in each vowel. It is also proposed that two non-low central vowels, // and //, exist underlyingly in Modern European Portuguese. Demonstrating that // is the empty (particleless) vowel in this language, it should be seen as its unmarked vowel.


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How to Cite

Veloso, J. (2012). Central vowels of Modern European Portuguese: proposing an element phonology-based analysis. Letras De Hoje, 47(3), 234–243. Retrieved from https://revistaseletronicas.pucrs.br/fale/article/view/11853



Vowels: Theory and Use