“Minha gente”: the cowboy and the chess player
Guimarães Rosa, “Minha gente”, SagaranaAbstract
Study of the autodiegetic narrator of the short story “Minha gente” by Guimarães Rosa, text that is part of the volume entitled Sagarana. The narrator, who is not identified, takes an outside perspective to his surroundings, describing the sights and events with some perspective and admiration. As a result, we have the gap between their perception and Joseph, cowboy accompanying the station to the house of his uncle.Downloads
How to Cite
Kieling, M. S. (2012). “Minha gente”: the cowboy and the chess player. Letras De Hoje, 47(2), 201–204. Retrieved from https://revistaseletronicas.pucrs.br/fale/article/view/11317
Guimarães Rosa and the Literary Criticism