Importance analysis in satisfaction research through multiple regression: effect of different rating scale formats


  • Fabiano Larentis UFRGS
  • Cíntia Paese Giacomello UFRGS
  • Maria Emília Camargo UFSC


Satisfaction survey. Scale points. Importance analysis. Multiple regression analysis.


The use of satisfaction surveys is essential to capture the voice of the customer,
in terms of what it offers to the market and what is expected. One relevant aspect within satisfaction surveys is to identify which items within a dimension deserve greater attention, through the analysis of the importance. One way is to analyze it directly, asking the respondent to indicate a level of importance for he same items evaluated for satisfaction. Another way is the importance derived from the Multiple Regression Analysis. However, the use of a number of points to scale and how the points are labeled can interfere with the results of a regression. This study aims to identify which configuration of scale (points) is more appropriate to analyze the importance. It was developed a satisfaction survey among 177 undergraduates, using the same instrument with four different response scales: 5, 6, 7 and 11 points. The results indicate that 7-point scale appears superior to the others. However, it confirms the need to review the circumstances of use of the scales and the need to identify what the most appropriate configuration.

Author Biographies

Fabiano Larentis, UFRGS

Docente do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Administração (PPGA_UCS), Mestrado


Cíntia Paese Giacomello, UFRGS

Docente do Centro de Ciências Exatas, da Natureza e Tecnologia -UCS Campus Universitário da Região dos Vinhedos

Maria Emília Camargo, UFSC

Docente do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Administração (PPGA_UCS), Mestrado

Docente do Doutorado em Administração - Associação UCS PUCRS


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