(In)Equality and (In)Justice


  • Guillermina Jasso New York University



Palabras clave:

Inequality. Justice. Fairness. Probability distributions. Measures of inequality and of justice and fairness.


Understanding the connection between inequality and justice is important because justice is classically regarded as the first line of defense against self-interest and inequality. Absent a strong and clear link between inequality and justice, the sense of justice would not awaken to exert its moral suasion, no matter how great the inequality or how fast its increase. We obtain exact links between economic inequality and three parameters of the justice evaluation distribution –the mean, median, and variance–across a comprehensive set of inequality measures and a substantial starter set of just reward scenarios. This work shows that there is no general necessary connection between inequality and justice. There is, however, a striking pattern in some situations: as economic inequality increases, the average of the justice evaluations moves deeper into the territory of unjust underreward, and the distribution stretches outward, increasing the gulf between underrewarded and overrewarded and hollowing out the middle class. 


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Biografía del autor/a

Guillermina Jasso, New York University

Silver Professor and Professor of Sociology


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Cómo citar

Jasso, G. (2016). (In)Equality and (In)Justice. Civitas: Revista De Ciências Sociais, 16(2), 189–217. https://doi.org/10.15448/1984-7289.2016.2.23118



Desigualdades, estratificação e justiça social