Informal Justice on the assembly line A case study of the performance dynamics of the JECrim in Belo Horizonte


  • Eduardo Cerqueira Batitucci Fundação João Pinheiro
  • Marcus Vinicius Gonçalvez da Cruz UFMG
  • Andréia dos Santos UFMG
  • Ludimila Mendonça Lopes Ribeiro IUPERJ
  • Letícia Godinho de Souza UFMG



Small Claim Courts, Criminal Justice, conflicts judicialization, Belo Horizonte


In this article we analyze the innovation provided by the Juizado Especial Criminal (JECrim) within the Criminal Justice System in Brazil, as well as its effective operation – its practices and procedures – and the main characteristics of its discharge proceedings, based on the findings of the research on JECrim of Belo Horizonte/MG. This article consolidates the results of a set of both qualitative and quantitative research on this Judicial Institution, through the analysis of attitudes, values and beliefs of its members, as well as a systematic survey of the judicial flow of cases sentenced. The results point to the questioning of JECrim/BH as a relevant instance to resolve conflicts in Belo Horizonte, due to the long average time for the solution procedure of a typical case, given the strong bureaucracy implemented by the court as well as the prevalence of an overly formalistic legal culture along with their institutional actors.


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Author Biographies

Eduardo Cerqueira Batitucci, Fundação João Pinheiro

Doutor em Sociologia pela UFMG e pesquisador do NESP/FJP.

Marcus Vinicius Gonçalvez da Cruz, UFMG

Doutor em Administração pela UFMG e Pesquisador do NESP/FJP.

Andréia dos Santos, UFMG

Doutora em Sociologia pela UFMG, professora da PUC/MG e pesquisadora do NESP/FJP

Ludimila Mendonça Lopes Ribeiro, IUPERJ

Doutora em Sociologia pelo IUPERJ e bolsista de recém-doutor na FGV/RJ.

Letícia Godinho de Souza, UFMG

Doutoranda em Ciência Política pela UFMG e Pesquisadora do NESP/FJP.



How to Cite

Batitucci, E. C., Cruz, M. V. G. da, Santos, A. dos, Ribeiro, L. M. L., & Souza, L. G. de. (2010). Informal Justice on the assembly line A case study of the performance dynamics of the JECrim in Belo Horizonte. Civitas: Journal of Social Sciences, 10(2), 245–269.