The critique of sociological reason


  • Hans-Georg Soeffner



Sociologia, Epistemologia


The author presents Sociology as a critical science of reality, as well as a permanent institutionalized control of social relations with a critical intention and in a scientific manner, combining the theoretical and the practical reason. As a science of reciprocity, Sociology is tasked with questioning ideologized visions of the world (Weltanschauungen) like the absoluticized economic reason in economism. It is a primarily analytical science and, as commonly understood, with responsibilities to society – therefore Sociology combines critique and doubt to design new conceptual possibilities and new options for social action to open new horizons, based on perceptions. But it is also a discipline made by those that have to apply to themselves the same criticism used by analyzing realities. [Editors abstract]


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Author Biography

Hans-Georg Soeffner

Presidente da Sociedade Alemã de Sociologia, professor emérito da Universidade de Konstanz, atua na direção do Kulturwissenschaftliches Institut em Essen, Alemanha; desenvolveu a Sociologia hermenêutica do conhecimento.



How to Cite

Soeffner, H.-G. (2009). The critique of sociological reason. Civitas: Journal of Social Sciences, 9(2), 324–334.