Police integration in Minas Gerais: challenges of governance of public security policy


  • Luís Flávio Sapori
  • Scheilla Cardoso P. de Andrade




Police, Public Security, Integration of police


This article is meant to examine the policy of integration of military and civil police deployed in Minas Gerais between 2003 and 2006, in the first government Aécio Neves. In addition to specifying the guidelines and projects of integration policy, tried to address the phenomenon from the perspective of the concept of governance. It is argued that there was a uniqueness in the conduct of public policy, characterized by intensive involvement and conflict of police organizations both in the process of formulation and in implementation. If on the one hand, the prospect of governance beacons that the policy has given the process a high degree of slowness, on the other hand, gave him high levels of legitimacy, and thus of institutionalization. Key words: Police; Public Security; Integration of police


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How to Cite

Sapori, L. F., & Andrade, S. C. P. de. (2009). Police integration in Minas Gerais: challenges of governance of public security policy. Civitas: Journal of Social Sciences, 8(3), 428–453. https://doi.org/10.15448/1984-7289.2008.3.4868

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