“A place to play”
Public space and childhood
City, Public space, Childhood, Safety, MadridAbstract
The last few decades show a widespread tendency in western towns to an ever-decreasing use of public spaces by children. While from a psychological perspective, its negative consequences on children are widely known, in sociological terms, its effects on the city have been far less explored. However, if we start from the approaches that evaluate the success or failure of the city based on its capacity to include social diversity, the use of public space by children can be considered a refined indicator of how well or poorly it is performing. Based on this hypothesis and through a comparative study of two public spaces in the center of Madrid, this article reflects on the causes of the problem and the necessary responses to move towards healthier cities . In particular, Jane Jacobs’ concept of “eyes on the street’’ is proposed as a tool in the assessment and design of public space from a child’s view.
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