Territorial reclusion of children and teenagers at Jatobá Collective Urban Resettlement in Altamira Pará
deprivation of liberty in relation to the Belo Monte hydroelectric
Violence, Children and Teenagers, Altamira, Territorial exclusion, Belo Monte Hydroelectric Plant PowerAbstract
The article presents a discussion on the urban territorial seclusion of children and adolescents residing in the Collective Urban Resettlement (CUR) Jatobá, city of Altamira-PA, because of the deterritorialization caused by the Belo Monte Hydroelectric Plant Power with the scope of violence and fear as processes that interfere in the social relationship of the subject, directly interfering in the construction of immaterial and material ties in the new space. Thus, it aims to discuss the territorial seclusion experienced by children and adolescents of the RUC Jatobá and discuss the reverberation of this in their living conditions. The article is derived from the research of the master's dissertation "Deterritorialization of children and adolescents in relation to the UHE Belo Monte: a study of territorialities in the RUC Jatobá in Altamira-PA", carried out with the support of the Laboratory of Study of Territorial Dynamics in the Amazon. Methodologically, the qualitative-quantitative application of 82 forms was carried out in the RUC, being 41 interviews with children from 8 to 12 years and adolescents between 13 and 18 years, and 41 interviews with their legal guardians, Guardianship Council and Movement of Affected by Dam.
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