From interseccionality to the crossroads
Epistemic operations of black women in brazilian universities.
Black feminist thought, Intersectionality, Feminist theory, CrossroadsAbstract
The aim of the present paper is to reflect upon black women’s strategies of resistance on the graduate schools based on the paper’s authors experience as advisor and advisee. It parts from the analysis of the international circulation effects of the net of concepts related to interseccionality in its effects of politically neutralizing appropriation and the intellectual destitution of the centrality of black experience. Even though the feminist theory has incorporated interseccionality, it is frequently operated an intellectual suppression of the centrality of black women’s experience on the constitution of a self-defined point of view. In opposition to this neutralizing effect of the concept’s international circulation, it is here analyzed how the concept has been translated and experimented by black graduates as a crossroads – category of the african matrix religion.
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