Chatbots for teacher training
New possibilities for network learning
Research-training in cyberculture, Online teaching, Fake news, Chatbots, AlgorithmsAbstract
This text is an excerpt from the doctoral thesis entitled: “Fact-checking education: identification, production and combat of narratives in networks”, which aims to understand the context of the emergence of fake news and its repercussions, in order to develop research methodologies -formation in cyberculture (Santos 2015) in times of post-truth (Santaella 2018). Here we present formative uses of chatbots for teaching mediation with cultural practitioners through the linking of narratives and images produced in the context of research. We started from the theoretical-methodological repertoire of research-training in cyberculture to propose the research device “Reglus Chatbot” to subvert the uses of the devices used in our daily lives and understand other formative environments in cyberspace. The field of research is the daily routine of the subject “Informatics in Education” of the distance education course at UERJ, where we investigate new ways of thinking about networked teacher education.
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