Multiple insertion, intermittency and cultural affiliation
Brazilian musicians’ labour in France
Musician’s labour, Profession, Intermittent worker in entertainment industry, FranceAbstract
The aim here is to analyze the work of Brazilian musicians in France, affected by the regime of intermittent workers in the entertainment industry and the work by projects. It seeks to identify the identity forms related to professional trajectories, to characterize the work organization and the forms of hiring. The methodology uses government data, the literature related to musical work and interviews, as well as observation in work environments. The work of Brazilians can be compared to that of musicians in general in France, characterized by pluriactivity, multiple insertion and polarization between contracts for indeterminate or determined time and occasional service provision. However, the “cultural affiliation” to characteristic musical genres associated with the cooperation networks can be understood as a strategy of constructing a professional identity in a competitive market.
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