New development challenges in the Amazonian region






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Author Biographies

Márcia Grisotti, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (Ufsc), Florianópolis, SC

Professora associada do departamento de Sociologia e Ciência Política da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (Ufsc, Florianópolis, SC, Brasil). Coordenadora do Núcleo de Pesquisa Ecos - Ecologia Humana e Sociologia da Saúde.

Emilio Federico Moran, Michigan State University (MSU), East Lansing, MI

John A. Hannah Distinguished Professor, Center for Global Change and Earth Observations and Dept. of Geography, Michigan State University (MSU), East Lansing, MI, USA.


Fearnside, P. M. 2005. Brazil’s Samuel Dam: lessons for hydroelectric development policy and the environment in Amazonia. Environmental Management 35, nº 1: 1-19.

Moran, Emilio F. 2016. Roads and dams: infrastructure- driven transformations in the Brazilian Amazon. Ambiente e Sociedade 19, nº 2: 205-218.

Schultes, R. 1990. The healing forest: medicinal and toxic plants of Northwest Amazonia. Portland: OR- -Dioscorides Press.

Schultes, R. 1979. Plants of the Gods: origins of hallucinogenic use. New York: McGraw-Hill.

Vainer, Carlos Bernardo. 2008. Conceito de “atingido”: uma revisão do debate. Em Vidas alagadas: conflitos socioambientais, licenciamento e barragens, organizado por Franklin Daniel Rothman, 39-63. Viçosa: Ed. UFV.



How to Cite

Grisotti, M., & Moran, E. F. (2020). New development challenges in the Amazonian region. Civitas: Journal of Social Sciences, 20(1), 1–4.