Transformations in family legislation and morality of family groups in Mexico City
Law. Family arrangements. Morality.Abstract
In Mexico families have suffered considerable transformations of a structural and cultural character and it is possible to observe they are not ruled anymore by an exclusive normative canon. In this article it is proposed to analyze if, in the light of changes in the practices as well in family and gender legislation, the values and norms of cohabitation/coexistence and the way they are morally validated have also changed. We intend to analyze the morality of the family exchanges. Findings presented here come from a qualitative research in which were conducted 10 focus groups with women from Mexico City on the issue of cohabitation/coexistence, distribution of chores and care in their families. The results suggest that new standards of social justice and a growing context of women, elderly and children’s rights favour the emergence of a new morality in the families, far different from the heteronormative model of family.
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