The moral in Capital An attempt to correct the Marxian critique of the capitalist economy




Moral conflicts, Temporality, Capital theory, Structural analysis, Action theory.


Insights drawn from the creative moral aspects of collective action in Marx’s historical-political writings are used here to expand his analysis of capital, which is too narrowly constructed on utilitarian premises. Only by “sociologizing” the conceptual framework of Marxian capital theory in this way, with a lateral focus on economic theory, are we able to clearly see the normative conflicts surrounding capitalism/capitalist activity as an organizational form. This is the necessary starting point for any practically oriented social theory.


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Author Biography

Axel Honneth, Columbia University (New York, NY, USA).

Doutor e livre-docente em Filosofia, professor no Department of Philosophy, Columbia University New York, USA.


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How to Cite

Honneth, A. (2018). The moral in Capital An attempt to correct the Marxian critique of the capitalist economy. Civitas: Journal of Social Sciences, 18(3), 669–682.



Dossiê: Reconhecimento e economia política