Orphanage through domestic violence against women: a biographical research
Domestic violence against woman. Orphanage. Biographical narrative.Abstract
This research presents a discussion about domestic violence against woman by an unusual angle at Social Sciences. The fights and intimidation that happen at home, often are witnessed by the children. When a woman, that is mother, is murdered by her partner starts the second phase of problem, that continuous with the orphans. Through the methodological approach biographical narratives it was possible to know elements of a orphan’s life-world and understand how he experienced his mother’s death in a context of domestic violence. Despite the importance in the interviewee’s life, the death of his mother is not the main episode of his telling biography. The connecting thread of his trajectory is the fact that he grew up in an orphan asylum, without father and mother. This situation is what makes Joaquim try to find resources to survive and get rid of the stigma.
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