Paradox of democracy The political participation of students from the University of Brasilia


  • Debora Messenberg Universidade de Brasília



Political participation. Political motivations. University of Brasilia students.


There is a consensus among scholars that the types of political representation and political participation in contemporary democracies have been undergoing profound changes since the mid-twentieth century, not only in regard to the pluralization of political actors, but also in regard to the space where such processes are exercised. Therefore, much has been investigated about the profile of actors and political institutions in terms of characterization or the intensity of participation and political representation. However, few studies have addressed their analysis to the understanding of subjective evaluations of social actors about their actions and political institutions. In order to bring contribution to this debate, this article presents the results of the research accomplished in the last quarter of 2013 along with students from the University of Brasilia about their interests in participating actively or not in the political universe. It is a study that discusses, basically, the intensity and the qualification of political participation of UnB students, mainly the interpretation of their motivations and their perceptions of making and thinking politics in Brazil.


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Author Biography

Debora Messenberg, Universidade de Brasília

Professora adjunto do Departamento de Sociologia da Universidade de Brasília (UnB) Doutora pela Universidade de São Paulo (2000) Pós doutorado na UnB (2004) Estágio Senior na Universidade de Oxford (2014)


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How to Cite

Messenberg, D. (2015). Paradox of democracy The political participation of students from the University of Brasilia. Civitas: Journal of Social Sciences, 15(1), e1-e23.