On the conditions of possibility of the gospel: Analyzing the economic and cultural affinities of Neo-pentecostalism in the context of globalization


  • Joaquín Algranti UBA-CONICET




Neo-Pentecostals. Globalization. Neo-Liberalism. Postmodernism.


In Latin America the globalization process is developed in correspondence with a number of changes within the religious network. One of these changes is related to the steady growth of the evangelical Neo-Pentecostal groups. In this context, the question arises about the exogenous and endogenous reasons that place this Protestant denomination in the center of the spiritual renewal of our time. The concept of elective affinity will allow us to explore the set of correspondences that are established between the Gospel and two great forces linked to globalization: the Neo-liberal doctrine and Postmodernism. The first part of the article discusses the interpellation`s structure of the religious discourse on social suffering. The second part analyzes the incorporation of cultural codes of consumption and production of goods in the evangelical cultural industry. Finally, the paper intends to capture the intensity of both relationships, distinguishing different degrees of elective affinity between them.


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How to Cite

Algranti, J. (2014). On the conditions of possibility of the gospel: Analyzing the economic and cultural affinities of Neo-pentecostalism in the context of globalization. Civitas: Journal of Social Sciences, 14(3), 523–539. https://doi.org/10.15448/1984-7289.2014.3.17081