Iran and shia transnational religious actors Limits of political influence


  • Jeffrey Haynes London Metropolitan University



Transnational religious actors. Shia Islam. Iran. Iraq. Nationalism.


This paper has several objectives. First, it briefly examines the nature and characteristics of contemporary transnational religious actors and, second, identifies the concept of ‘transnational religious soft power’, which, I argue, such actors must have in order to achieve their objectives. Third, I focus on transnational Shia networks in the context of Iran’s current attempt to acquire increased foreign policy influence in Iraq. The paper argues that transnational Shia networks in Iran and Iraq have relatively limited capacity to forge and pursue religious collective goals, as they are significantly undermined by nationalist and statist concerns. This is not to allege that nationalism and statism necessarily trump transnational religious goals – although in our case study this is indeed the case.


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How to Cite

Haynes, J. (2014). Iran and shia transnational religious actors Limits of political influence. Civitas: Journal of Social Sciences, 14(3), 450–466.