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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The text follows the journal's formatting requirements according to the "Guidelines for Authors"found in the "Submissions" section.
  • It is mandatory to fill in the Article Cover, with the article information. This document must be forwarded separately at the time of submission.

Author Guidelines

Files submitted for submission are in open text format.

The text contains title, abstracts and keywords in the languages indicated by the journal (English, Portuguese and Spanish). If there is text originally written in another foreign language, it should contain titles, abstracts and keywords in Portuguese and in the languages of the journal interface. Abstracts can have up to 1,000 characters and they summarize the purposes, methods and conclusions of the work. Keywords can be between three and five, separated by periods and with the first initial capitalized. Texts can have a total of up to 40,000 characters, including spaces.

The author must keep his registration profile updated and, for submission of a new text, fill out the information items below under “Conditions for Submission

Information about the authors should contain the following data: full name with the correct spelling; ORCID (see:; affiliation: institution, city, state and country (in no case should affiliations be accompanied by the authors' titles or mini-curricula). These, when present, should be published separately from affiliations as author's notes). email; complete physical postal address of the corresponding author, which may be the institutional one, provided at the end of the article; research funding source (if any); potential conflicts of interest (if any). A "doctorate" or "doctorate in progress" is required as a necessary qualification for submission. In cases of co-authorship, this condition must be met by all authors.

Optionally, the authors may indicate at the end of the article: a) acknowledgements; b) mini curriculum: academic and professional training.

Figures and tables must have their place indicated in the text and be sent in a separate file, with program identification and version.

Bibliographic information is correct and in accordance with the Chicago Standard, 17th edition, adopted by the journal. Chicago - Regras Gerais

The contribution must be original and unpublished, and not being evaluated for publication by another journal; if not, justify in “Comments to the editor” when submitting the text in the portal.

Publication of papers is subject to approval by reviewers and, if applicable, compliance with their recommendations. The originality of the treatment of the theme, the consistency and rigor of the approach, its contribution to the social sciences and the journal's thematic line are taken into account. The names of the reviewers will remain confidential, and the names of the authors before the reviewers will also be omitted. In 2018, an average of 171 days elapsed between submission and final approval of articles. For more details, see also the specific item on the peer review process.

Spontaneous submission of articles and subsequent acceptance for publication automatically implies the assignment of the rights of the first publication to the Journal. Intellectual copyright remains with the author. Any subsequent reproduction, by any means, must follow the terms of the license of the article. Authors may republish the final version of their texts, however, on their personal pages.

The concepts issued in the works are the sole responsibility of the authors, not necessarily reflecting the opinion of the Editorial Board and Editorial Board.

Civitas accepts for publication unpublished articles in Social Sciences that contribute to the theoretical, methodological and / or empirical improvement of the area, and which are not being presented simultaneously in another journal. Reviews are accepted when related to the thematic core of the respective edition.

The author informs, along with his / her identification, the research funding source and potential conflicts of interest.

Before submitting the article, the author must have carefully read the topic "Principles of Ethics and Best Practices in Academic Publishing", which addresses the guidelines and conduct adopted by Civitas on authorship, originality, originality, error correction, retractions, confidentiality, conflicts of interest and ethics in research with human beings. Only articles that follow all ethical guidelines, as well as guidelines on form, presented in the following topics are considered for evaluation.

Papers are sent anonymously, in plain text and without the use of sophisticated formatting resources.

Civitas accepts two submission modes: either for specific thematic nuclei, within predefined deadlines, or as loose text. On the texts for thematic nuclei is decided in block, in agreement with the invited editors, after the deadline of submission; Single texts are evaluated in continuous flow and approval is conditional on the concrete perspective of publication.

General Rules

Highlights inside the text are in italics. The notes, when indispensable, are footnotes, short and substantive, numbered sequentially and without specific formatting.

Quotations up to 3 lines should be double quoted and inserted in the body of the text. The quotation that exceeds 3 lines should be indented and inserted in proper paragraph, indenting 4 cm, in smaller font. The citation should contain the author's name, the year of the work and the pages.

Graphs, figures and tables are sent in separate files (in step 4 of the submission process, "Transfer of Supplementary Documents"). Images must be in high definition PNG or JPEG file, but not exceeding 1.5 megabytes, and may be color-coded. In the final layout, the graphics may not exceed the dimensions of the magazine page (16.5 x 11.5 cm). Sequential numbering and title, as well as data source, are inserted in the text as tenant places.

Reference notes are inserted in the text, following the following pattern: (Author year, xx) or (Author1 year, xx; Author2 year, xx). If there is more than one work by the same author in a year, it is accompanied by a sequential letter of the alphabet. Example: (Author 1998a; 1998b).

References are presented at the end of the paper, listed in alphabetical order and unnumbered, Chicago style, 17th edition.

All literature should be checked for DOI at

The submission files are in open text format, preferably WORD

The text is in flowing format, without the use of sophisticated formatting features and employs italics instead of underlining (except for URL addresses); Figures and tables have their place indicated in the text and are sent in a separate file, with program identification and version.

Co-authoring Statement

Having more than one author, accompanies a supplementary document detailing the contribution of each, both to the research and the writing of the text. Are accepted papers with up to three authors are accepted, with similar titles, not inferior to a doctorate in progress.

When a submitted text has more than one author, each participant must fill in a statement containing:

  • Text identification: Title of the text; names of coauthors;
  • Identification of the co-author: Name, nationality, identity document, full address;
  • Description of the specific participation in: 1) conception and design of research; 2) data collection and processing; 3) Analysis and interpretation of data; 4) details of their collaboration in the preparation of the final text.
  • Declaration that approves the final version and assumes the ethical and academic co-responsibility for the completeness of its content;
  • Place, date and signature.

This document must be attached, in PDF format, as a supplementary document, leaving unchecked the option “Enable document for evaluators”.The Civitas Editorial Commission reserves the right to accept or not the condition of co-author for the respective participants thus declared.

Gender and Sexuality: between the explosion of pluralism and the clashes of normalization - submissons: May-Aug. 2017

The issues on gender and sexuality have been experiencing a displacement which makes them central for the Brazilian fight for democracy. From a debate which seemingly concerned only to the minorities, we presently have a scenario in which gender and sexuality is combined with the human rights as well as with the fight for democracy.  The categories of gender and sexuality got a more general political arena. The theme of the present dossier is within a gender, sexuality, human rights and democratic pluralism connection. There is a multiplicity of manifestations in this field (the extending of gender identity rights, new family arrangements, experimentations and visibility of trajectories to live gender and sexuality, legislation for the social name, non-pathologization of transvestites and transsexual people, recognition achievements, propositions of public politics on gender and sexuality, legislation on so-called gender violence), as well as a series of initiatives of possible restrictions to pluralism (family statute proceeding, movement entitled against the gender ideology, echoes of gender and sexuality themes in propositions like the so-called “school with no party” ("No Indoctrination") and in alterations of the Law of Directives and Bases of the national education, as well as of the social security laws and of health attention). The field of political weakening crosses guns especially among three institutions: families, religious organizations and public school, which dispute with each other the government of children and youngsters. But the media devices, the biomedical and health discourse, the law, the psi sciences also integrate the debate, either to propose an expansion of rights and possibilities to live gender and sexuality, or to restrict its scope. Contemplating this wide range of themes, this dossier expects to receive articles from the social and human sciences and also to contribute to illuminate the variety of faces of pluralism and the powers of normalization related to gender and sexuality.


The journal accepts texts that are extremely relevant to the development of the area, which will be selected after the editors' prior consent. Occasionally, interviews or translated texts from people with historical references in the social sciences are accepted.

Section Features:

  • Maximum of 40,000 characters, including spaces.
  • Texts with up to three authors, with similar degrees, not inferior to a doctorate in progress, are accepted.



The journal accepts critical reviews in which a point of view is defended and arguments presented. The review must not be of an individual work and must contain external references to the commented works themselves. The review will be selected after prior consent of the editors.

Section Features:

  • Maximum of 20,000 characters, including spaces.
  • Texts with up to three authors, with similar degrees, not inferior to a doctorate in progress, are accepted.

Romanies in Brazil: Relationships of continuity, change and difference

This section receives articles specifically aimed at dossier calls, which must be submitted only when they are open. Articles must be original and unpublished, and must not be under evaluation for publication in another journal. The publication will be subject to approval by reviewers and, if applicable, to compliance with their recommendations. The theme of the articles must correspond to the proposal of the dossier, and their formatting must comply with the journal's guidelines.

Section Features:

  • Texts with up to three authors, with similar degrees, not inferior to a doctorate in progress, are accepted.
  • Maximum of 40,000 characters, including spaces.

Latin American youth: challenges and potential in the context of the pandemic

This section receives articles specifically aimed at dossier calls, which must be submitted only when they are open. Articles must be original and unpublished, and must not be under evaluation for publication in another journal. The publication will be subject to approval by reviewers and, if applicable, to compliance with their recommendations. The theme of the articles must correspond to the proposal of the dossier, and their formatting must comply with the journal's guidelines.

Section Features:

  • Texts with up to three authors, with similar degrees, not inferior to a doctorate in progress, are accepted.
  • Maximum of 40,000 characters, including spaces.

Urban childhood in Social Sciences: problems and methodological challenges

This section receives articles specifically aimed at dossier calls, which must be submitted only when they are open. Articles must be original and unpublished, and must not be under evaluation for publication in another journal. The publication will be subject to approval by reviewers and, if applicable, to compliance with their recommendations. The theme of the articles must correspond to the proposal of the dossier, and their formatting must comply with the journal's guidelines.

Section Features:

  • Texts with up to three authors, with similar degrees, not inferior to a doctorate in progress, are accepted.
  • Maximum of 40,000 characters, including spaces.


This section opens and receives unpublished and original texts that can be submitted at any time. The theme of the articles must correspond to the scope of the Social Sciences and must not be submitted to another journal. Its formatting must comply with the journal's guidelines. The publication will be subject to approval by reviewers and, if applicable, to compliance with their recommendations.

Section Features:

  • Texts with up to three authors, with similar degrees, not inferior to a doctorate in progress, are accepted.
  • Maximum of 40,000 characters, including spaces.

Dossier: Stratification in the 21 Century

This section receives articles specifically aimed at dossier calls, which must be submitted only when they are open. Articles must be original and unpublished, and must not be under evaluation for publication in another journal. The publication will be subject to approval by reviewers and, if applicable, to compliance with their recommendations. The theme of the articles must correspond to the proposal of the dossier, and their formatting must comply with the journal's guidelines.

Section Features:

  • Texts with up to three authors, with similar degrees, not inferior to a doctorate in progress, are accepted.
  • Maximum of 40,000 characters, including spaces.

Justiça Reprodutiva: desigualdades, discriminações e violências


Organizadores: Dra. Fabiane Simioni (Fugr); Dra. Paula Pinhal de Carlos (Unilasalle) e  Dra. Virginie Rozée (Ined).

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The names and email addresses on this website are used exclusively for the the journal purposes and are not available for any other use.