Technological advances and approval of MIE Expert and MCE at Colégio Marista Surubim:
a path to educational innovation
educational innovation, technology, personalized learning.Abstract
Technological advancements are essential in the transformation of education, especially at Colégio Marista Surubim. The implementation of Microsoft Innovative Educator (MIE EXPERT) and Microsoft Certified Educator (MCE) programs aims to make teaching more dynamic and student-centered, enabling personalized learning and increasing student motivation. Ongoing training for educators is fundamental for the effective use of technology, which directly impacts the quality of education. Marista Brasil Centro Norte has played a crucial role in providing training and resources for these initiatives. Thus, technological advancements, combined with these models and institutional support, position Colégio Marista Surubim as a reference in educational innovation, preparing students for the challenges of the 21st century.
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