A pedagogy of love is possible in inclusive education?


  • Claudia Raquel Büttenbender Colégio Marista Pio XII (CMPIOXII); Colégio Marista São Marcelino Champagnat (CMSMC); Novo Hamburgo, RS, Brasil


Palavras-chave: Amor. Pedagogia Marista. Educação Inclusiva.


The main objective of this article consists of a bibliographic analysis of how it is possible to obtain a Pedagogy of Love with students of an inclusive education, within a classroom. It started from the theoretical assumptions that contemplate Bauman (2003), Bonhemberger, Mentges (2016), Desaulniers (2011), Estaún (2014), Freire (1996), Furet (1989), Juliatto (2013), Maraschin (2006), Teixeira (2004), Inclusive Education Guidelines of the Marist Network, Educational Project of Marist Brazil and the Inter-American Solidarity Subcommittee, among others. Lately, there is a lot of diversity, families with other priorities and a demand for inclusion and exclusion of students within a room, and an educator concerned with serving all students in diverse situations. The methodology used was a qualitative approach, with an exploratory objective based on the technique of bibliographic research. The chapters mention the conceptual understanding of Pedagogy of Love, the integral formation and the inclusion of this student in the midst of all this diversity. The result of this article is to show how much the Pedagogy of Love influences students’ school life, contributing to their inclusion in society. This pedagogy is a unique way of educating, which consists of care and love to teach inclusion students. The school that develops its learning in a more comprehensive way with a pedagogy based on love has the possibility to prepare its student for life and not only for academic knowledge. For this understanding, it is observed that it is necessary to review processes, improve knowledge, leave accommodation to build new knowledge and new learning. For this understanding, it is observed that it is necessary to review processes, improve knowledge, leave accommodation to build new knowledge and new
learning. For this reason, it is essential for the educator to be bold and for the student to have the courage
and dedication so that, through education, they can transform any space they are in.



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Author Biography

Claudia Raquel Büttenbender, Colégio Marista Pio XII (CMPIOXII); Colégio Marista São Marcelino Champagnat (CMSMC); Novo Hamburgo, RS, Brasil

Pedagoga formada pela Federação de Estabelecimentos de Ensino Superior FEEVALE), em Novo Hamburgo, RS, Brasil. Especialista em Orientação Educacional, Supervisão e Gestão Escolar e em Educação Inclusiva
pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS), em Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil; especialista em Matérias Pedagógicas pela Universidade Feevale (FEEVALE), em Novo Hamburgo RS, Brasil. e (PUCRS). Orientadora Educacional do Colégio Marista São Marcelino Champagnat e coordenadora do Serviço de Pastoral do Colégio Marista Pio XII, ambos da cidade de Novo Hamburgo, RS, Brasil.


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How to Cite

Büttenbender, C. R. (2020). A pedagogy of love is possible in inclusive education?. Caderno Marista De Educação, 11(2), e39043. Retrieved from https://revistaseletronicas.pucrs.br/caderno-marista-de-educacao/article/view/39043


