The power of goups at school

A space for encounters and transformation



Groups, Youths, School, Protagonism, Life project


The present experience report intends to reflect about the power of working with different groups at school, presenting a brief report about the history and operation of four youth groups: Marist Youth Ministry, Volunteering, Student Union and International Relations Group.The practices involve students from Final Years and High School, at Marista Graças School, in Viamão, RS, and express the plurality of these youth. It is noticed that the bond between group members and the safe environment that they are in allows young people to try new perspectives, and with this, new forms of relationship, taking these learnings to other spaces, such as family, friends and school, transforming themselves and the context they live in.


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Author Biographies

Ralph Schibelbein, Colégio Marista Graças, Viamão, RS, Brasil.

Mestre em Educação (UDE), em Montevidéu, Uruguai; mestrando em Direitos Humanos (UnirRitter), em Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil; e professor no colégio Marista Graças.

Konstans Franco Steffen, Colégio Marista Graças, Viamão, RS, Brasil

Mestre em educação (UFRGS), em Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil; especialista em Psicologia Escolar e Educacional (CFP), Brasil; e orientadora educacional no colégio Marista Graças.

Katia Teresinha Machado da Rocha, Colégio Marista Graças, Viamão, RS, Brasil.

Especialista em Orientação Educacional (FAFINC), em Viamão, RS, Brasil; pastoralista no colégio Marista Graças.


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How to Cite

Schibelbein, R., Franco Steffen, K., & Machado da Rocha, K. T. (2020). The power of goups at school: A space for encounters and transformation. Caderno Marista De Educação, 11(1), e37958. Retrieved from



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