Literacy Practices in a bilingual curriculum: suggesting activities that may help to promote phonological awareness on 1st year’s students


  • Lisiane Virginia Schultz
  • Adriana Rossa

Palabras clave:

bilingualism, bilingual education, literacy, phonological awareness


Abstract: This article aims to present and analyze two activities applied to students who attended the 1st year of elementary school in a bilingual curriculum school in the year of 2010. The activities to be described might serve as examples of literacy practices focusing in how phonological awareness may help students in learning to read in a second language.  First, some theoretical review on bilingualism and literacy will be given. Then, the activities will be described and analyzed. By relating theory and practice, the activities presented may exemplify how a teacher might provide students who attended the 1st year of elementary school in a bilingual curriculum school with situations in which they might have made used of phonological awareness to read in a second language .


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Biografía del autor/a

Lisiane Virginia Schultz

Adriana Rossa




Cómo citar

Schultz, L. V., & Rossa, A. (2011). Literacy Practices in a bilingual curriculum: suggesting activities that may help to promote phonological awareness on 1st year’s students. BELT - Brazilian English Language Teaching Journal, 2(1). Recuperado a partir de


