The exclusive use of the target language in an English course: teachers' perspectives


  • Natalie Leal Kobielski UFRGS
  • Ubiratã Kickhöfel Alves UFRGS

Palabras clave:

L1 use, target language, language course, language acquisition.


This article focuses on teachers’ perspectives in a language course that has the exclusive use of English as one of its principles. Taking into consideration a theoretical perspective that deals with the role of the L1 in different kinds of learning methods and approaches that are based in different language acquisition theories, it was possible to discuss about the motivation, advantages and disadvantages of L1 use pointed by teachers, as well as the coherence between these aspects and what happens inside the classroom, in their teaching practices. Written questionnaires and audio recordings from the teachers’ classes were the instruments of data collection. We concluded that not only the teachers’ sense of moderation regarding the use of the target language is fundamental, but also that it is not possible to classify their practice under a unique learning acquisition theory, considering the relationship between these teachers’ theory and practice.


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Cómo citar

Kobielski, N. L., & Alves, U. K. (2011). The exclusive use of the target language in an English course: teachers’ perspectives. BELT - Brazilian English Language Teaching Journal, 1(2). Recuperado a partir de


