Affordances of Edmodo for the flipping and expansion of the L2 classroom
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Edmodo, flipped and expanded classroom, educational technology, L2 teaching and learning.Resumen
This study aims to analyze the affordances of Edmodo (, the leading k-12 Social Learning Network (Edmodo, 2018), for the flipping and expansion of foreign, second or additional language (L2 henceforth) classroom. To do so, we first had a brief review of literature on blended learning and selected one of its sub-models suggested by Horn and Staker (2014) – the flipped classroom – to focus on. Then, we considered ten out of the fifteen reasons Bergmann and Sams (2012) shared on why teachers should flip their classrooms and described Edmodo’s main features. Finally, we developed Bergmann and Sams’s ten reasons into four practical reasons on why teachers should consider flipping and expanding their classrooms with Edmodo and spoke about our experiences on this platform. This study showed that the various features of this free platform make it an excellent tool for such purposes and we recommend that teachers take advantage of it and adapt it to their contexts.
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